#28: VLOG – My First Time [after 4.5 Month] – Lena Erdil

Published on December 11, 2018 by Windsurfing.TV

She’s Back on the water..  and trust me I know how good that first day on the water feels!

…pretty hard to understand until you’ve had an injury which puts you out for a long time!!

Lena Erdil: Four Month after my Liscfranc injury my Physios and Doctors have finally given me the go ahead to attempt my first windsurf!! I think my smile says it all! For now its just strapless windsurfing though and while my rehabiltation period continues I have to stay in Istanbul where it is cold and not very windy… However I have finally started following windguru again and I hope to score a session at the black sea within the next couple of weeks. I’m super stoked with not only the sailing but also with the style in which this Vlog was filmed and edited by my friend Ener. how do you like it and would you like to see more like this?

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