#22 VLOG: MOROCCO XXL – Lena Erdil

Published on April 10, 2018 by Windsurfing.TV

Lena: The first Women only Wave Worldcup event in Moulay we got XXL conditions!! Unfortunately the waves were soo big that the white water mountains on the inside of the bay made it impossible to get out the back to the line up. There is no channel in Moulay! a few guys managed to get out after persistent attempts but it was impossible to compete again. Essouaira the next big city and the surrounding wave surfing spots are great! I loved this trip to Morocco, life is still very simple people are friendly, the food is delicious and there are waves on every beach ! Definitely worth a visit, if you plan to go to Moulay make sure to contact BOUJX Sports centre for equipment rental or also two find some local accommodation! Hope you enjoy this Vlog! I now just arrived back in Bodrum to re start slalom training, so stay tuned for high speed updates soon 😉

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