

Hi Guys,

Windsurfing.TV is a new site and a work in progress, so I’d really appreciate any feedback (good and bad) or any suggestions on how you think the site could be improved. My plan is to concentrate on the ‘Original’ content and push that side of things.

The website will probably stay pretty basic. Maybe in the future, if  Windsurfing.TV starts generating some money or a very nice web designer will decide to get involved (and get paid in coaching haha) it might change. For now this is how it’s gonna look. Yes, I did it all myself, so be kind!!

I already have a list of features that is as long as Lampie’s arms, but i’m always keen to hear new ideas 🙂
I will do my best to produce what I feel the windsurfing scene is lacking. In my mind that’s  ‘A monthly video round up of the windsurfing world’!  …plus a few extra features.

I would like to include TIPS (coaching and equipment set up ), world wide SPOT GUIDE, TRAINING TIPS plus lots more IDIOT GUIDE TO … style stuff, road trips and obviously Training Diaries. Let’s see how much time I can put aside, as I really want to do some live stuff as well and of course – I want to go sailing! hahaha..

Anyway I’ll stop rambling now, you get the idea. Please drop us an email or better still just leave a comment below. That way everyone can get involved and bounce a few ideas around. That’s usually when the best ideas come up 🙂

Oh..  and the ‘Sailors’ and ‘Movie’ sections are being constantly updated, so if you see Sailors or Movies that are not on there, please let me know. Also if you’re a sailor and your best movies aren’t there, please send me the links. It’s kind of hard to keep track of everyone, which is why i’m trying to get you guys all in one place. I know there is quite a few missing, including some big names, but it’s a work in progress! Any help is welcome 🙂

Thanks for the support

Ben Proffitt



  • Hans Kienstra 9 years ago

    Make a money button for support, next to the beer money, I will support both.

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Ok.. cheers Hans. But you don’t think people wanting to support the site would just put money into the Beer money? I mean, i don’t spend it all on Beer 🙂

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Just seen some beer money drop in Hans.. cheers. Thanks for the support 🙂

    • Sven 6 years ago

      Hi Ben,

      I’ve been enjoying your page for some time and now and you’ve made me crack up laughing more often than not.

      With Jaeger winning the Red Bull Storm Chase, don’t you think it’s time to emphasize the value of professional contest preparation by putting the training diary with Jaeger testing his gimp suit in West Oz up front here?

      Truly an amazing effort to lead the sport towards a more sophisticated level of science-based methodology.



  • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

    Problem: The Scrolling videos on the front page are bouncing back!! Not sure whats going on.. trying to fix it 🙁

  • Frederik 9 years ago

    Nice going. I’ve bought you a few rounds. If only you add a functional Wind Money Button. I would go bankrupt.

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Nice one Frederik… i think if i add a wind money button i’d be a millionaire!! …or very drunk!! lol

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Hi penny, i wanted to have an RSX/olympic section but just run out of time. I’m missing a few like speed/slalom but i’m slowly ticking things off.. it’s just this month in Pozo is super hectic for me (a terrible time to launch an unfinished site but it’s also the best time for promo) but i promise i will get round to adding them soon. p.s Great to see Emma killing it (y) 2020 here she comes 🙂

  • Thor B. S. Nørregaard 9 years ago

    Cool page. Would be niced if you connect your youtube account with your Google Plus account so your Youtube feed automatically get to Google plus. Google plus have about 400+ mio active users and its the place where I+friends get windsurf, tech, food news. (don’t have twitter, facebook or Instagram anymore)

    Se howto connect youtube to Google plus:


  • Samuli 9 years ago

    Other ways on payment than PayPal would be welcome for beer money. I’ve had problems with Paypal account but would be glad to donate if other methods would be possible.

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Hi Samuli.. sounds good 🙂 what other ways are there? any suggestions?

      • Paul 9 years ago

        i would say IDEAL, very common payment method for online banking transfers right? at least in europe.

        • Paul 9 years ago

          Really like the site by the way! Easy to find everything. Specially like the spotguide section, would love to see more stuff there. 🙂

  • Dan 9 years ago

    Hi Ben,
    u great, just the rss feed section isn’t working, so I don’t get any notification about the new videos

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Cheers Dan.. ok.. i haven’t clue what i need to do but i’ll google it and sort it out 🙂

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      ok.. let me know if that works!

      • Dan 9 years ago

        Yeah it started working great thanks

  • Ian Clingan 9 years ago

    Windsurfing TV is helping to get me through the summer! Just wondered How big your mate is riding the 116 Goya Quad in the edit…….
    I love my 104, at 90 kg……always wondered about the bigger size!

  • Mas Jonker 9 years ago

    A Ideal payment option for the beer money would be smart i think, the young generation uses that way more than paypall.

  • David Lloyd-Hughes 9 years ago

    Absolutely loving, your enthusiasm is infectious and has inspired me to get my fat backside off the sofa and get back on the water after a nearly five year break!! Lookout for some big splashes off Llanddwyn Island!!!
    Keep up the good work!

    • Windsurfing.TV 9 years ago

      Haha.. Well it is the Best sport in the world so good to hear 🙂 and thanks

  • Ben 8 years ago

    Hi Ben great idea you had with windsurfing tv !!! I had so mnay good laugh watching your diaries !
    I’v a little problem Most of the times videos aren’t display on Wtv website. lack of update on my computer or internal to Wtv ? Keep up the good job.

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      Thanks.. glad you like it. I have big plans but they take a while 🙂
      Mmmmmm… strange on the videos not displaying!
      Not had anyone else say anything so maybe it’s your end… but could be me!
      Maybe the website is slow… do you have fast internet?

  • Ron 8 years ago

    Hi Ben, absolutely love your work, especially the diaries! The ‘how-to’s’ even pushed me to my first forward attempt, so thanks.

    I found a copy the PWA tour ’99 and a NP promo; Voyage of Keith Teboul and Josh Stone back in the day. Those movies me an absolute enthousiast and still going.
    Could it be a contribution to the ‘movie’ section? Perhaps via wetransfer?

    Cheers Ron

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      Nice Ron.. glad to hear it 🙂 Keep pushing
      ..and i totally agree with you about the old movies. What i need to do is write to the guys and ask permission. Or someone has to upload them on to Youtube and i can link to them!

  • SIMOS NALBANDOGLOU 8 years ago

    do you have an email to contact with you ?

  • Jesper Jensen 8 years ago

    Where did the “Pozo 50+ knots ” go ?

    Cheers Jesper

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      i put it back 🙂
      i didn’t like the speed of it… but i’ll leave it up

  • Andreas 8 years ago

    Hi windsurfing tv team. You are the best. every day I look if a new movie is loaded. It shows why we so love windsurfing and live. pure Joie de vivre. top makes it. Andreas

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      Cheers Andreas… thanks… and glad your liking it.
      At the moment it’s a bit of a one man team haha… so quite a lot of work and probably explains why it’s not updated everyday but if it can start to bring some money in I’d like to extend the team. 🙂 So fingers crossed

  • W.B. 8 years ago

    Hi Ben. Bloody awesome job on the Pozo coverage! Loving it.
    Don’t know about anyone else, but I want a t-shirt!
    Take my money!

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      hahaha.. glad you are liking it mate. The T-shirt.. hmmmm… not sure what i’m doing yet… limited edition only at the moment 🙂

  • Lucas 8 years ago

    I would take it in Gold, Red, Black, Green
    … and a flag for my mast in my backyard!!!
    Greetz Lucas

  • bubestube 8 years ago

    Awesome website and effort to bring us the information we need. I’ll chip in some beer money BUT only for Ze German beer 😉 🙂

  • Koen 8 years ago

    Hey Ben, Love the videos and website one thing that bugs the hell out of me is that the menu appears underneath the video making it impossible to click a link in the menu without first going back to the homepage.

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      Yep.. totally agree… i only noticed it the other week and am still waiting for a reply to get it sorted. But thanks for taking the time to write… as like i said i hadn’t noticed it!

    • Windsurfing.TV 8 years ago

      Ok matey… think i fixed it 🙂

  • Luc Skywalker (what Sarah Quita cals me hahaha) 7 years ago

    Hey Ben
    Just freakin love it! man!
    I start every day with windsurfing tv!
    Keep it up man!
    Can we buy T shirts???
    Hope you are well.
    When are you back in WA?
    See you on the water.

    • Windsurfing.TV 7 years ago

      Thanks man.. appreciate your comments 🙂
      No t-shirts yet.. but they will be coming
      …might see you in WA

  • Raul 7 years ago

    Hi Ben,

    my name is Raul and i’m 13 years old. I really like your diarys. Can you help with an contact adress for the Gran Canaria Wind and Waves festival for kids, because i haven’t found one on the original homepage.

    br Raul

    • Windsurfing.TV 7 years ago

      Hi Raul, Daida and iballa Moreno are the people you need to speak to. You can probably get them on Facebook or instagram.
      or send me an email and i’ll send her email.

  • steeve 7 years ago

    Hey Ben, I was browsing your site and I realized on the top banner Severn Already post his world champion wave sail. For the amateur in me and a Fan of windsurfing, this is how I see the PWA, a place where Severn, Starboard, JP whoever won, will surf on the fame for 6 month based on a only 3 events!!!!! I don’t want to discredit the champion, he is an awesome sailor! All events have been in port tack, sylt was quite onshore…but no DTL surfing and only 3 events. Nice show, but it’s hard to believe in a true world championship with 2 events in freestyle and 3 event in wave. I would like to understand who decides where they go. Are the riders happy to not go to spot like Cabo Verde, Maui? I mean, why they don’t do a grand slam on Maui every year, this is the holy land of windsurfing? I think I heard you saying that the PWA is the rider’s association, So they are happy with what the pwa proposed? Why they mainly focusing on Europe, are West Oz, South Africa, North and South America are not producing good enough condition for an event? I’m not bitching, those are answer I’m wondering since a while and I don’t know how hard it is for the PWA to propose more events at exotic spot. I gues if it was easy it would be in the list of event. If you are on a trip with no wind, no surf, this could be an interesting video to learn what are the challenge for the PWA to organize more events for the riders and not just a window to have a banner as Severn (congrats btw) just throw on your page to brag they are making world champion sail. Thanks.

    • steeve 7 years ago

      Nice article in Windsurf Magazine.

      FM – Do we need to change anything in the formats of windsurfing competition?
      CG – In Freestyle I think they should try a more simple format perhaps, to make it more spectator friendly, on the other hand I have no clue what the names of the moves in snowboarding or skateboarding are but I still really enjoy watching it, same as I do in freestyle windsurfing where I am clueless to 50% of the moves at least? Slalom is great right now, I would just like to see a few different shorter courses which favour also tactics and gybing, that is getting better now on the PWA too. Wave, well to be honest, the only thing we need there is more events. Same old story, you want quality judges, media, free accommodation, proper prize money, but all this costs money. If you just want cool locations and are prepared to sacrifice all the rest and not really be sustainable, then go to the smaller events format. I think people badly underestimate how good the current PWA format is / how strong the Tour is – just because there are sometimes a few less events (8 or 9 slalom this year alone!) – check out the mess in the SUP and Kite pro tours vs. the much smaller sport of windsurfing. The PWA can be really proud of the job they do and what they offer the athletes. Good conditions / locations do not help you if you are only spending money at events and not creating something sustainable, that´s fine for the IWT, where the general concept is different to the PWA

  • Icelake 7 years ago

    Where’s the forum?

  • Steph 7 years ago

    When it will be possible to order the cap ?!?!?!!!

    • Windsurfing.TV 7 years ago

      not at the moment 🙂 …But I’m working on it!
      I’m thinking of giving them FREE to anyone that has supported Windsurfing.TV with £50 or more… as I want it to be a bit exclusive!
      Also have them to WIN… watch this space

  • Carl Sollander 7 years ago

    You have to add Anders Bringdal among the legends!

    • Windsurfing.TV 7 years ago

      i would if i had a video.. i only really updated the section at the very beginning. Had to find links to all the old videos.. now i just tag the ones that are in the new ones. But i guess a few people are missing!

  • Toni 7 years ago

    hey Ben, why not make a series with the motto “life`s too short to ride old gear` !! don`t we all have this old friend with a fairly good technique but still clinging to that outdated old stuff?? wold make up a pritty nice story to see there faces and pimp teir style up …

  • Jorrit 7 years ago

    Hey Ben,

    What about an inside look what training PWA-windsurfers are doing out of the water. Like in gym (core training, arms, …) and eventually their endurance training (cycling??)

    • Windsurfing.TV 7 years ago

      for sure a great idea. For me it’s a time and priority thing. But I’ll add it to the list. thanks!

  • Joe 6 years ago

    Ben love all your work pozo diaries pwa events send it Sunday’s.just built a ford transit for windsurfing here in the United States on the Great Lakes.hpoe you enjoy the beer money in Sylt!keep up the good work!been windsurfing 36 years her on the inland seas of the USA.

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Hi Joe, cheers for the Beer Legend… and glad you’re liking the content. I’m feeling a bit of pain on the van building process as I had to cut the conversion short to travel and do a few comps… but I’m back on it in a few weeks! 🙂
      I might have to save the beers here in Sylt.. think I need a ‘Lemsip’ more haha… I’ve come down with the Plague!

  • Thomas 6 years ago

    Hi Ben, it would be really interesting to get an update about sponsor changes – like Chris Pressler did the last years. Would it be possible to get informations? Hang loose, Thomas – love your passion for windsurfing!

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      yep good point.. I’ve actually been thinking about this for a few years.. rumours and actual official changes! 👍🏻

  • Yerko 6 years ago

    Hi Ben, cheers from Chile… the polite guy jeje. Congrats for the great work you are doing for the windsurf world 🤙🤙🤙
    Would be nice if you put a link section on your site where you can share and have links to other world webs… like mine 😉:
    Many people like sailing the web searching for different windsurfing content… Cheers mate.

  • Jonny 6 years ago

    Hi Ben,

    I’ve started learning web development recently and would love to help out in any way you need. Can’t claim to be much better than yourself but I’m spending time making random projects at the moment and would much prefer aiming that time somewhere useful!

    I actually started making my own spot guide (see link – still very rough!) where users could add spots, photos, guides and info themselves. Don’t know if you think that would be a good addition to the site or not?

    Either way if you’d like the help do get in touch! And keep up the amazing work!

    Send it,

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Sorry for the late reply… was trying to figure out where I read your comment. (Too many message platforms 🙂 )
      Can you send me a mail – Ben@windsurfing.TV

  • Benoît 6 years ago

    Salut Ben,

    I’m Ben, a french windsurfer addict to your Windsurfing TV and the good vibes and big laugh you send us. Windsurf spirit is here !

    I’ve a suggestion for you. In France we have a desert named profiterolles (a cake with icecream inside covered by liquid chocolate… You figure out what I mean. You may launch a new feature “The Proffitt Roll” which could be a nice crash or whatever. Was just an idea.

    Keep up the good fun.

  • Marcus Ries 6 years ago

    Dear Ben, First of all i want to tell you that i enjoy your content very much. Thats Why i want to support it within my means with a beer money membership. Before i do this i would like to know how long is the notice period for the case that i have to quit it of which reason ever. Could you please tell me that . Thanks and keep it up !

    Greetinx from north Germany (Flensburg)


    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Hi mate.. well you can quit when ever you want. I’ve rather you didn’t quit straight after the prize draw if you don’t win though! haha
      But you could I suppose.
      The idea is to try and run like a magazine… as the content is expensive (traveling , cameras, time, editing) so it needs to be paid for some how.. and adverting is far from ideal. Just pay what you can afford (a beer a month is good) just drink one less haha

  • Wojt 6 years ago

    It is always great to watch POZO TRAINING DIARES before main competition in Pozo , keep it up Wojt

  • Mike 6 years ago

    Hey Ben,
    Love the content! I’m still working on cracking the vulcan but will fire you a send-it worthy clip when I finally get to the half rotated face plant stage (right now I’m at the trying to rotate jumping off the board stage, hardly clip worthy!)
    Anyways I tried to sign up for the monthly beer money option but it keeps redirecting me to an annual option? I tried it on both firefox and chrome. Anyone else reporting this problem?

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Ah.. sorry my fault!
      I edited the monthly button to make the yearly one.. apparently you can’t do that. You need to make a NEW one.
      Just added a NEW one and it looks like it’s working good now 👍🏻
      Thanks for the support and look forward to the video 🙂 … Cheers ben

  • Georg ALBRECHT 6 years ago

    What About Paypal Ben, sometimes much easier for monthly donation, never the less epic work u Do… Enjoying mostly everything u Do. Windsurfing isn’t windsurfing without All Ur content, thanks a lot

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      It is Paypal? Or have a misunderstood what you’re saying?
      Mostly everything? haha.. I’ll take that :). Thanks for the support

  • Steve Fletcher 6 years ago

    Hey Ben, Good plan with the monthly/yearly subscription makes easier to sort.
    Love watching especially when away at work counting sown the days. Even my wife enjoys watching and when see’s you on the beach at Coro’s comments “it’s the guy from windsurfing TV” although my dog Rex would prefer a little less filming and a bit more ball throwing, can’t win with everyone!!

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      hahaha.. cheers mate!! Thanks for the support.. tell Rex I throw him a Ball next time I’m there 🙂

  • Gusty 6 years ago

    Hello Ben, Alfie. Please contact me by email. Would be happy to support
    Send me an email and we get it done.

  • PatrickHR 6 years ago

    Got my yearly membership today, great website, great videos, big fan of yours @PWA, keep on the good work, cheers

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Thanks Patrick.. I really appreciate the support and glad you are liking the content!

  • Goose 6 years ago

    Ben & Alfie…keep up the good work, love the channel

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Cheers Goose… and thanks for the Support… more vids coming 🙂

  • Anthony I 6 years ago

    Just a I idea you thought about giving away signed top 3 pwa posters from the events. I know I pay for that! Keep up the good work.

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      ok… That can be arranged 🙂 ..Although giving away a NEW Board, Sail and 2 x SUP’s was pretty good 🙂 haha

  • Kipster 6 years ago

    Just signed up for a monthly subscription, Ever think about offering merchandise Caps Shirts Jackets, would love a SEND IT Cap
    Love this channel, keep it raw and authentic.

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      you total Legend Kip!! Thanks for the support.. and yes.. i do have a few bits of Merch but just keeping them super exclusive. You can either win them or be given them… or if you meet me in person bribe me! haha
      Cheers for the support and glad you like it raw.. as thats how we roll!! haha

  • Simon 6 years ago

    Hey Ben (and others),

    The video quality went up dramatically, great shots with the drones, snappy editing, bit of humor and lots of excitement. Keep up the good work. Looks like the beer money and membership fee is starting to payoff! Love watching it. Hangloose 🤙

    • Windsurfing.TV 6 years ago

      Cheers Simon… although these edits were done with a different team (Adam/Tim) on the PWA budgets.
      It comes down to money.. bigger team etc etc.. at the current funding level it’s not sustainable. It’s only working as we have passionate windsurfers who are pushing it forward.
      So to keep it going it will need more funding, otherwise, we lose these people to other projects with more money.
      I’ll still keep pushing on… maybe one day we get a Big sponsor or everyone that watches the videos chip in a little money.
      Thanks for your support.. it is making this stuff happen!

  • Xav 5 years ago

    thanks for doing this man, big respect, if I want a laugh or know what’s up in my sport I know where to go, best

  • Yerko Radovic 5 years ago

    Hello Ben, a good idea for making extra income at your site is to add adverts with adsense of google. I have them in my site and drop by drop you can add extra income. Also, I have added a link to your site in mine, so if you mention my site at any post or anything I would greatly aprecciate. Good winds. Cheers!! Yerko

  • iñigo 5 years ago

    Hello Ben. First I want to congratulate you for your windsurfing channel and I want to make some suggestions. I think we all love windsurfing but you know that an sport a regular guy can only practice 10 days per year in proper conditions will disappear sooner or later. Most of us are dreamers most of the year hooked on windguru waiting for a chance to catch waves in 25 knots side shore wind, and spending family holidays going to a good spot. That’s why Kitesurfing took away many people, they can practice in summer breeces almost everywhere with lighter equipment. That’s why I suggest you to dedicate more time to two new windsurfing versions for lighter conditions, the SUP windsurfing and windfoiling. Both work in light wind and waves, and you don’t need to use heavy 9m sails. Both can be used as freeride and wavesailing. 7-8 feet surfsup boards can be fun at wavesailing and windfoiling with 5 m sail and 110 litre board is also fun with 13 knots and 0,5 m waves. Thus, we would be seen in many more places around the world having fun, not only dreaming.

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      thanks for the input. Always good to hear!
      I totally agree… my problem is time vs content. It’s not easy to produce content and the channel has got to where it is now being quite focused on the high end dreamer stuff i guess. So difficult to change that with the audience that is there. But lets see.. i for sure what to do some stuff. I will just have to gauge how it goes down. Cheers ben

  • twisty 5 years ago

    Hi Ben – windsurfing is bloody awesome ! I can’t believe I haven’t come across windsurfing tv before – just happened to today, I thought since Boardseeker packed up there was nothing like this out there – pleasantly surprised esp since beach trips are on hold with the rona. Signed up for some regular beer money for you and looking forward to being a regular visitor.
    imho windSUP/foiling and light wind stuff is getting a lion’s share of the limited exposure windsurfing has these days for very obvious reasons but I vote for lots of high end proper wind/wave stuff please !!
    Twisty, south coast uk

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Cheers mate… glad you finally found it 🙂 …and thanks for the support I really appreciate it, it’s what keeps me going! 🙂
      Hopefully, we can get back on the water soon.. but until then i have loads of videos to make so all good.
      Cheers Ben

  • Mike R 5 years ago

    Just sent you a few more hard earned shekles from Sleepy Shropshire……spend them wisely, as I’m sure you will!! The Harty video was well worth it 🙂 Mike R

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Haha.. cheers Mike! Yeah.. that is a CRAZY video.. maybe the Best speed event ever! Cheers for the Beers.. i’ll drink them wisely dont you worry!

  • Donald Bradley 5 years ago

    Sorry…loved the channel…tried to subscribe…like my gybes….kicked into Paypal….theve taken over your subs…then tried Visa…but it kicked into Arabic….yes Im in the Gulf ….so gave up….but its a Paypal trick…best to abandon it as your first payment option

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Hi Donald… haha… well yep, at the moment it’s only Paypal. I’m not a web designer and it was the easiest thing to add. As they have a recurring payment (membership) system ion paypal so easy for me to track whos a member etc for when I’m doing prize draws!! If you still want to join… i can send you details haha 🙂 subs@windsurfing.TV

  • Toby 5 years ago

    Hey Ben…love your channel and this page. Especially Send it Sunday, even with impending doom of monday morning, lightens up my mood. Keep up your awesome work. Chucked in some beer money….so cheers-prost-skol 😁🍻

  • Toby 5 years ago again. 😆
    One thing I noticed. You have a list of sailors on this page. One of the speed sailors is a friend of mine, his name is spelled Andy Laufer (not Läufer) 😊✌🏻

  • Mike R 5 years ago

    Impressive video about the Noerstick Ben – I’m sold!! Wonder where I can get one? (….maybe a free one from you’re competition…..nudge, nudge, wink, wink!!!!)

  • Chris Pow 5 years ago

    Hi Ben here’s a fun landboarding video I made during lockdown!

  • Daniel Decker 5 years ago

    Hi Ben,
    why are the newest comments ol the way down?
    Beside that nice work. Next round on me.
    Maybe this will set my karma right to stand a frontloop before getting 45 (24,5 months to go…)
    Mast und Schotbruch
    ( German for may your mast and sheet break as the sailors say)

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Legend cheers mate.. for sure you will nail a forward now!! 😁
      No clue on the comments… i’m not very technical but i’ll take a look! 🙂
      cheers for the support

  • Daniel Decker 5 years ago

    We ol love autocorrect don’t we?

  • Phil 5 years ago

    When can we start seeing basic Merchandise on the website, or am I just not finding it somewhere, keen for a mug.

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      I’m not sure… but it will be coming for Members at some point 👍🏻 cheers Ben

  • Florian 5 years ago

    Hi Ben,

    I love the windsurfing podcast. Great addition to all the other features so far. Keep it coming!

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Glad you’re liking them.. Maciek is doing a great job. Just need to turn the extra content into more Beer money members 🙂 …so tell your friends! haha cheers Ben

  • Barry 5 years ago

    Hi Ben, could you make a spot guide for Sagres and surrounding area? Especially interested in the different wave spots. Very interesting place as regards difference between the West/South and variety of spots for all sorts of levels and disciplines!

    Absolutely love the channel, love the banter, keep it up 🙂

    • Windsurfing.TV 5 years ago

      Don’t worry it’s coming… to be honest i’m still trying to work it all out myself. But for me the area is awesome down there.

  • Fredrik Röök 4 years ago

    Ben, one small(er) guy to another, could you do a boards size / sail size guide for slalom/free race gear? As a wave sailor it is extremely confusing. Also comparing cam with a no cam free race would be good.

  • Niels-henrik Andresen 4 years ago

    Love your podcast`s

    I have listened to every one of them and they are great.
    One thing… Can you get your guest to wear a mic? THe sound when using the computer mic mixes at times a bit to much with the background noise and makes an echo. Have a wsurfers ear and need to use replay every now and then to get it correct.
    Will keep listening at all cost but an external mic would help a lot…..

    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Cheers for the feedback Niels. Totally agree… problem is Not all of the guests (none so far) have a mic. I could ask them to go out and buy one but it’s not ideal. But agree it would be much better for everyone to have proper mics.

  • Marruq Goose 4 years ago

    hi Ben, my two boys and I love your videos, keep up the good work! We’d really like to support u but we cannot pay with Paypal. do you have other ways?

    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Hi Marruq… thanks for the message. I actually have a couple of buttons on the Beer Money page that means you can pay on Debit or dredit card.
      It goes through paypal… but you don’t need to have an account.
      Let me know how that works.. cheers ben and thanks for the support.

  • Axel Ricardo Bauer 4 years ago

    Hello Ben,
    I am a keen follower of your channel.
    I just saw your video about Tonel.
    You should once go sailing at Meia Praia.
    There is a windsurf school and rental
    The owner is Madalena.
    Tell her Axel from Hamburg sent you and give her my greetings. Meia Praia has offshore winds and is great for slalom. At high tide it is also possible to sail in the lagoon “Ria do Alvor”. The entry point you see in google under the description “A Rocha Delicada”.
    Cheers Mate 😃
    Best regards

  • Coen 4 years ago

    Hi Ben and Maciek,

    I really like the podcast that you guys put out, but I got a improvement for it. Can you adjust the audio volume so that is even during the complete show? Now I’m holding on to the volume buttons to crank it up to eleven if I can’t hear things and the following second my ear drums explode because the level is way up 😉 Just a tip too make it a bit better. Keep up the good work!


    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Totally agree… I’ve had a word with the video editor! It’s not meant to be like that.

  • Joe krineski 4 years ago

    Bailout member no5

  • Liam Shanahan 4 years ago

    Hi Ben,
    I saw your video on 3Di sails. Here’s a cool article I about the 3D mold machine they’re using to make these new sails. I think they come out in March.


  • Till Hoermann 4 years ago

    Hi Ben, enjoying your coaching tips whilst looking at crashes…
    My kids are 3 amd 5 and Masken to go on a board ..Do you think you could make something up with tips how to teach the very basics to the little ones??

    Keep up the good work I think this channel brings the crew together!

  • Mark Salvage (sav ) 4 years ago

    merry christmas … its me SAv the old dreadlocked windsurfer from back in the day .. just joined up with the annual membership … keep up the good work … lovely to see you still enjoying life .you make us laugh on the cold wet dark days here in blighty .. hopefully send you some crash clips from my new monster foil board … cheers


    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Cheers Sav you legend!!! Glad to hear mate.. and look forward to your clips 😁

  • Joe krineski 4 years ago

    Kiter damn idiot !!

  • Joe 4 years ago

    MPG podcast great with Scott

  • 4 years ago

    Ben , dude could you give some of this you tube channel some exposure ? .
    Really useful tips and fitness stuff seems such a shame it has so low subscribers

  • leon fokker 4 years ago

    Hello Ben ,

    In one of your latest video’s I noticed the simmer monster you have in your van
    Can you tell me a bid more about the board what type of fins en lengte do you use
    I am at the point of buying 2 sizes 136 and 116 or 106 any advice on this ?

    Regards Leon Fokker

    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Hi Leon.. i have the 126 (83 wide) So the rule with fins (well so the racers say) is half the width and add a little bit… so half of 83 is 41.5 and add a little.
      This does work as i’ve been using a 43 in it and it’s been perfect!
      hope that helps

  • Tom 4 years ago

    Hi Ben, watching more and more of Marec’s podcasts. They are great! The one with Fred Haywood had me reminiscing… wat a great story teller about windsurfing’s golden era. His tales about Arnaud de Rosnay got me reminiscing about Janna, without a doubt the most iconic image of female windsurfing and inextricably intertwined with my images of windsurfingin the mid-eighties (before you were born? Haha). As unlikely as it may seem but a podcast with Jenna would be… I’m left speachless. Would be refreshing and less hardcore windsurfing, shaping etc but sooo interesting! Regards, Tom

    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Thats a great shout… i will add it to the list. Thanks for the comments and nice words

  • Thomas Luijkx 4 years ago

    Hi Ben, love your youtube videos and your homour. makes me laugh and want to surf more. I wanted to chip in some beer money, but that required me to make a paypal account, which I dont there no easier way? cheers, Thomas

    • Windsurfing.TV 4 years ago

      Thanks Thomas, glad you’re liking the channel… and yep i hear what you are saying about PayPal i do get that a lot. I thought the ‘credit card’ option didn’t make you set up a paypal account. maybe i need to check… failing that i could give you bank details if it’s better? Send me a mail

  • Philippe De Bosscher 3 years ago

    Hi Ben, Great inspiration your channel, We love it that you are so passionate about the sport. I live in Perth and was two weeks ago in Geraldton, I know you love that spot 😉 I will drop you some beer money to buy some shampoo because I think it could be useful for your microphone. It looks all fluffy and need a proper wash 😉
    greetings from down under. Cheers buddy Philippe aka Surfboss

    • Windsurfing.TV 3 years ago

      hahahaha… cheers mate!! I’ll get the shampoo out 😁🔥🔥 cheers for the beers 🍻

  • Mike Robinson 3 years ago

    Hi Ben, Greetings from Sleepy Shropshire. Subscription updated. Keep up the good work, it keeps me motivated 🙂 MikeR

  • Michael 3 years ago

    Hi Ben, I just found out that there was a podcast # 61 last week. The feature on the website is missing. You might miss out on some traffic…

  • Jan 3 years ago

    Hi Ben,
    i really enjoy watching your content and found back to the best watersport of all time.
    I’m even into buying new stuff now. crazy. Your tips of approaching wave sailing were pure gold for me. Never did 7 turns on a wave before. Will soon drop some pint money for you.

    lets keep the sport alive
    hang loose

    • Windsurfing.TV 3 years ago

      thanks mate… great to read that you’ve got back into it. and glad to hear the channel is motivating you. That’s the plan… its working 🙂 cheers ben

  • Kingsley Smith 3 years ago

    Hi Ben firstly thank you for Windsurf TV its very entertaining and extremely helpful. It would be great to get some idea of the growth (or shrinkage) of Windsurfing, Windfoiling and Wingfoiling worldwide I thought maybe with your contacts at Severne, Fanatic, Neil Pryde etc someone could compile some stats on roughly how may people around the world we are all connected with in the sport. I am assuming at the moment there is new growth in the sport – this may just be because I am so excited about all the disciplines mentioned.

    • Windsurfing.TV 3 years ago

      it’s a good point. I’d love to know but usually brands are not easy to get number out of. But like you say… I feel the same way. Definitely feeling more people getting back into the sport these days.

  • Jim Pollock 2 years ago

    Just watched your program with Jordy discussing slalom. All very interesting. I was hoping someone would comment on the leg length in slalom. As I see the races the emphasis is on top end because of the leg length and the jibes are greatly discounted. Shorted the legs and double the jibes. Kind of like your discussion of wave slalom.
    I have memories of Taty getting rolled by most only to rip a jibe and pass two or more only to get rolled again well before the next mark. Always thought that with shorted legs and more turns he would be near the top.
    Jim Pollock

    • Windsurfing.TV 2 years ago

      thanks for the comment Jim.. and I totally agree. More gybes and shorter reaches. I love slalom but long reaches for small guys are the killer. it totally needs mixing up!

  • Toon 2 years ago

    Sinds kort pas dit kanaal ontdekt. Geweldig om het allemaal te zien. Ik blijf het volgen:)

  • Richard Jones 2 years ago

    Hi Ben
    Just watched this video of the Lanzarote IQ International Finals
    Thought this was the funniest commentary I’d ever heard for a sporting event 😂😂😂

  • lard 2 years ago

    Hi Ben, love all you and the team does. When looking at Defi and Lancelin i said to myself. That is a goal to achieve. Like setting that goal for a half or full marathon in a years time and you start to train for it/ I see Piert Bijl doing these classes for Defi. But thought it might fun to have an ‘idiots guide’ to get prepped for a defi or similar. Workouts, Material, collection of the trick and tips you had in previous shows. Not just rock up and be blown away by not being prepared. Just a thought

    • Windsurfing.TV 2 years ago

      good idea fella. I’ll have a think about how to do it 🙂 thanks for the feedback… and glad you’re liking the channel.

  • Goetz 2 years ago


    can’t you offer a membership in EUR?

    Best regards,

  • JJ 2 years ago

    Hello Ben,
    I really love your comments on PWA live cast. Funny but clever, rythm, empathy, etc. Love it. Just a detail please you should fine tune your mic sensitivity, specifically for current live in Pozo, as when you are not speaking we can hear you breathing very strongly or doing awful noises with your tongue and lips 🙂 Just a technical matter but would improve the overall impression !

    • Windsurfing.TV 2 years ago

      good to know.. I mean I’m just the commentator. So the guys from the live stream should sort that. But thanks for letting me know I will tell them to sort it out!

  • Tom 1 year ago

    Hi Ben and Team!
    Can you please topic the actual relation between Bruno and Enrico? After Enrico took Bruno out in Fuerte, i could see a very angry Bruno in the backgroung of the lifestream! He was pulling his gear out of the water and was shouting at Enrico with an explizit gesture.
    You are making an entertaining and important job!

  • Tom 1 year ago

    min 49 + 55 in this video:

  • Graeme Saxby 1 year ago

    Would love to know what Kaulu Seadi is doing now and some reflections knbhis career; and perhaps a poll on “who’s greatest” -comparison of Kauli vs Brawzinio, so far. Interviews with either of them possibly?

  • Kurt 10 months ago

    The current Défi wind series are epic ! Literally wachted the “foil nerd” explanation from Patrick Diethelm 3 times… keep up the good work and have fun ! Send iiiiiit !!!!!!

  • RB 10 months ago

    Love the channel and the podcast. Lots of support from here in Toronto Canada (see

  • Jan Schmöle 9 months ago

    Hi Ben,

    love your channel……. all of it! gret mix of entertainment and information. I love the stuff you do with paul no matter how long you go.
    Is there any chance off chipping in some beers without PAYPAL?


    • Windsurfing.TV 9 months ago

      Hi mate.. thanks for the feedback and glad you’re liking what we are trying to do.
      Don’t worry also the podcast will be back. I’m just so busy at the moment.
      Beer money.. well I did add a none PayPal link on the beer money page.
      Check the Blue Tags at the bottom.. can pay a Monthly or years donation.. just move the tabs.
      Cheers for the support


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