The Cadiz Impromptu – Emi Galindo

Published on June 22, 2018 by Windsurfing.TV

Amazing video from PWA Judge and total ripper Emi Galindo!

Some times it makes sense to stay home in the winter!!    (although pretty sure Shrewsbury wouldn’t have been this good if i’d have stayed home this winter hahaha)

Emi Galindo: I couldn’t travel during the winter season, so the nature Gods were nice to me and delivered the best winter conditions I ever had at home! Nonstop waves during the all season and a couple windy days every week! Add to the equation a crazy drone pilot following every adventure, and my dear friend Gonzalo filming from the water… and the outcome is this little vid 🙂

Music: The Dear Hunter “What Time Taught Us (Indigo)”
Edition: Emi Galindo
Footage: Bizarros Channel, María Andrés, Gonzalo de la Brena, Judith Photography
Cover pic: Miqueas Muñoz
Location: Cádiz, Gran Canaria

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