Send iT Sunday – Episode 29 – Cape Town Special

Published on January 27, 2019 by Windsurfing.TV

it’s Sunday and you now what that means… it’s time to Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend it!!!!

Episode 29… is Now ON!!

A little bit different this week… as it’s more a TRAINING Diaries episode but don’t worry everyone is sending it!!!

In this episode we find a young lad with Big balls!!! haha… that sounds so wrong!!
Sims goes send it crazy… Gollito takes a smack to the nose and the best n the world shows everyone even the pros can catapult!!!
plus much more!!

Please keep sending in your clips.. even if they are from a few years ago!

I’m starting to get a bit of a back log so please don’t resend clips I do have them… just takes time to fit them in!

But like always this is a real joint effort… as I need content from you guys at home ‘SENDING it’… going BIG… Crashing hard… or just funny shit!!

I need the back ground story, names and as much info as possible…

Email: Sendit@windsurfing.TV

with a drop box link or Wetransfer or something and if it makes the cut I will add it in to next Sunday!

…Keep ‘Sending it’!!!

…and remember like it… if you like it… and we love comments

#windsurfingtv #senditsunday

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