Sardinia – Spot Guide – Collucia – Dieter van der Eyken

Published on June 7, 2016 by Windsurfing.TV

Dieter:  Hello everybody!

After travelling to Murta Maria during the second Episode of a Wind Driven Journey it’s time to surf the local spot Collucia.

On a day without wind its a good moment to explore the little island next to Sardinia called La Maddalena. This island has a cute town and has a visually stunning scenery.

On the way to Collucha you can find ancient structures called Nuraghi and are a typical thing only found in Sardinia. Some of these places often get used as a place for rest, meditation and gathering energy.

The final spot we are surfing is Collucia. The spot is in the same bay as Porto Pollo but in a bit more in westerly direction.The water is a more flat but the wind is a bit harder and can be the perfect place for trying out new tricks.

Windsurfing spot: Collucia

Big thanks to the guys of Bern Media for this amazing edit again, Go Pro for borrowing us some camera’s to use!

All is shot with GH4 Lumix , GoPro 4 Black , FZ1000 Lumix and Phantom 3 Professional.

If you wan’t any more info or have some feedback please don’t hesitate to comment below or send a mail to

Music by:
Jahzzar – Deadpanned
Broke For Free – Add And
Golden Dawn Arkestra – Stargazer

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