Pro Kit Setup – Slalom – Taty Frans

Published on April 3, 2020 by Windsurfing.TV

This week Taty Frans (Future Fly & Point 7)  gives us his insights into his Slalom Kit set up.

Now a few years ago I would have said this would be a good one for the lightweights as he was weighing in at 78kgs but after camping out at the gym for the last few years he’s right up there near the 90kg’s!!!

So what does that tell you? well, I think it confirms heavier is faster… and to compete with the top PWA boys you have to put on the kgs!! …But you can’t do anything about your height (Well apart from high heels… but that’s a whole different story 🙂 ) so this is for the shorter boys/girls!

We actually need to get some women in on this… the problem was these were all filmed in Fuerte and out plan for this year ‘France’ has not worked out due to the corona virus!!

Anyway.. here is Taty to talk you through his set up!


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