Inside Look – Slalom Training TWS – Vlog – Lena Erdil

Published on January 19, 2020 by Windsurfing.TV

Ever wondered about whats going on at the Slalom Training Camp over in Tenerife.

Well, Lena Erdil gives us a little inside look…  in her first VLOG from the island.

…she also ROLLS one of the BEST men’s Slalom racers in the world off one of the starts!!  Guess who?


Lena:   ‘After 3 years of being unable to join the Tenerife winter training at the TWS Windsurf Centre, I’m finally back here. Super excited to finally be able to properly train again, with my foot injuries giving me troubles the past two years I had to start competition season with little to no prior training and I can really feel how my jibing has become a little rusty! A combination of being slightly out of practice and still being scared to push when I can feel pain in my foot is something I really need to work on. But 2.5 Month in Tenerife should be enough to get back into physical and mental shape. Since foiling has been integrated into the slalom discipline for the guys at the PWA we will also be training a lot with foil and slalom on the same course which is slightly scary but also super exciting at the same time. You can see some first images of that in this Vlog but I will keep updating on how we progress with this new format as well. Anything you would like to see more of or questions, post in the comments below and I will get back asap.’


1 comment

  • Slava 5 years ago

    Well come back on Tenerife, Lena. It is always to see You so positive on training and in the live, good luck to You. Hope to see You starting training on foiling, forecast will be exact by foil :))


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