How to Start – Luderitz Speed Challenge – Bjorn Dunkerbeck

Published on November 26, 2018 by Windsurfing.TV

Ludertiz Speed challenge…  just go FULL throttle down the channel… Booooom… 50knots…  easy!  …right?

Well.. it a bit more tricky that that.

One of the main things to master is the START… yes the start…  think about it… 100kg of speed sailor… add 10 – 15kg of lead and a tiny 40cm wide board… oh and gusty wind PLUS… it’s very very very shallow!!!

YEP you guessed it, it’s not that easy.

Well here’s a man who has mastered it…  the big man him self…  Bjorn Dunkerbeck.!!

Marks out of 10 please 🙂


Thanks to Miriam Rasmussen for the video..  this is what she had to say : ‘While most struggle with the starts in Luderitz Speed Challenge, theres one guy that very seldom f’s up his start; Bjorn Dunkerbeck. He is not the most lightfooted, he is not the youngest, but he nails almost every start, no matter how gnarly the conditions are! It takes him 3 seconds from he jumps on the board until he is in the straps and hooked in. From there he can use the rest of the starting area to accelerate instead of swimming like the rest of us do! Watch and learn’

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