Freezy Bear – Balz Muller

Published on December 3, 2017 by Windsurfing.TV

Crazy Lake session… Massive waves!! Bigger than Pozo haha… BUT…  -10 degrees WIND CHILL!!!

Anyone fancy it?   Errrrr…  No me but obviously the Muller brothers are all over it!! Crazy..  and yes the video is a bit crazy to! (you were warned 🙂

Read Balz’s description below!!

Balz Muller: by far my craziest swiss windsurf session ever! booooom shag man’s no hoot!

Gale force eastwind and about -10deg windchill! all sum up with some nasty lake waves!

I promise the biggest waves I ever surfed in switzerland before! Lac de Neuchâtel second-largest Swisslake, almost 40km long, but I was surprised about the wave size and power, got proper bounded on some haha! today Yverdon-les-Bains looked like a oceanbeach! A day to remember 2.12.17 ! BIG Eastwindstorm (called Bise)! hardcore filming credits TomTom and Laura.

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