Apocalyptic Alpsstorm – Balz Muller

Published on December 14, 2017 by Windsurfing.TV

120 kmph!!!!  Now that’s Windy…  Balz Muller shows us more extreme Lake action!!!

There is even Shore break!! and just check out high he’s jumping!!

Balz Muller: when you struggle to get through the lake shore break you know its gonna be a good sesh hahahahaha preeeetty windy! Föhnstorm at lake uri in the Swissalps. the “föhnwind” needs 4hPa pressure difference between the south and north of the swissalps, to breakthrough in the alpine valleys. on the 11.Dez.2017 we had over 18 hPa difference. the southerly föhnwind was blowing with extrem galegusts over 120km/h. 😉

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