A BAD day in Aruba – Sarah-Quita Offringa

Published on May 29, 2018 by Windsurfing.TV

This is apparently a BAD day in a Aruba!! haha

Sarah-Quita Offringa: Aruba has been a blast for sailing.
It was windy every single day for weeks on end. Windguru only showed orange, pink and purple days.
Instead of going to Barcadera all the time, Quincy and I also hit the huts a couple of times and it was going off EVERY time… except.. this particular session! We arrived and rigged just in time to see a massive cloud come over and block the wind. The wind only came back full force after this 2 hour session. It was still satisfying to be able to bust out these moves in lighter winds though.
Thanks Quincy for filming!

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