#58 – North Windsurfing are Back

Published on May 25, 2022 by Windsurfing.TV

North Windsurfing research and development team Peter Bijl and Chris Williams talk to Maciek about the new sails they’ve been working on using 3Di technology.

0:00 Teaser
1:31 Intro, how North came back
10:14 Why come back to windsurfing? Starting new brand
17:54 Buying Mystic, design in house
24:20 What is 3Di?
32:04 Prices, costs and process of development
38:55 What can you change better than cloth sails
44:33 Why the delay in release
50:45 How are the sails going to perform
1:00:37 What has been shared between sailing-windsurfing

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1 comment

  • Paul M 2 years ago

    Hope this lady can claim on the warrant y for her new 3DLi sail


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