5 fins!!! What?? – Moritz Mauch

Published on March 4, 2017 by Windsurfing.TV

5 fins?!?!  are you kidding me?  Really?

Well it seems to be working pretty good…  is this the new trend?
Apparently this set up is 8cm fronts 14cm backs and a 8cm centre..  all Plastic fantastic K4’s

Check out the vid and give us your opinion! But Moritz definitely seems to be smashing out the moves!

Moritz Mauch: ‘Super fun day with friend back home. Felt good to get some good conditions back home again. Played around with the fins yesterday and by accident found a pretty nice setup. Couple more days of Wind ahead so I´ll try it in some different conditions.’

Edit..  Moritz comment on FB: ‘No marketing or anything, this board is set up to be a Thruster or a Quad. I was just playing around with the fins and for a joke put up this setup. By big surprise it worked, some aspect better some worse that with a normal setup. But I think it´s good to remind everyone, to get a bunch of fins and try there bored out with different setups, changing them forward and or backward can make such a big difference.’

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