Published on July 9, 2017 by Windsurfing.TV


Jacopo Testa  won 9 heats in a row to win the 2017 EFPT event in Lanzarote!

Impressive stuff from the Italian!

…he’s now on his way to Pozo to compete in the waves… it’s going to be pretty interesting in Pozo this year that’s for sure!!

Day 1 Video: https://youtu.be/aE4zrXa37YQ

Day 2 Video: https://youtu.be/_-1DeJkYMTw

Efpt results below:


Rank Name   Country Board Sail Double1 Double2 Total
1 Testa Jacopo Italy RRD RRD 0,7 2 2,7
2 Van Broeckhoven Steven Belgium JP Neilpryde 2 0,7 2,7
3 Caers Yentel Belgium JP Neilpryde 3 4 7
4 Esteve Sam France JP Neilpryde 4 3 7
5 Passani Giovanni Italy 7,5 6 13,5
6 Frans Tonky Bonaire RRD RRD 10,5 5 15,5
Albert Antoine New Caledonia Goya Goya 5 10,5 15,5
8 Marca Riccardo Italy Fanatic North 6 10,5 16,5
9 Spicher Loick Switzerland RRD RRD 10,5 7,5 18
10 Wiemar Julian Germany Starboard Severne 7,5 14,5 22
11 Cappuzzo Francesco Italy RRD RRD 10,5 14,5 25
12 Lufen Marco Germany Fanatic North 20,5 7,5 28
13 Scheffers Davy Netherlands 20,5 10,5 31
Plüss Jeremy Switzerland 20,5 10,5 31
Matissek Max Austria Fanatic North 10,5 20,5 31
16 Beholz Adrian Germany Patrik Sailloft 20,5 14,5 35
Hibdige Nic UK 20,5 14,5 35
Jendrusch Rick Netherlands Severne 14,5 20,5 35
Lachauer Andy Germany JP Neilpryde 14,5 20,5 35
Yagen Johnny Israel RRD RRD 14,5 20,5 35
Van Ochten Maarten Netherlands JP Neilpryde 14,5 20,5 35
22 Wilson Eilon Israel Patrik 20,5 20,5 41
Levi Eiliran Israel 20,5 20,5 41
24 Paternina Deivis Venezuela 26 20,5 46,5
Neubauer Lennart Greece Starboard Neilpryde 20,5 26 46,5
26 Loizou Christos Cyprus JP Neilpryde 26 26 52
Lesniewski Max Poland Patrik 26 26 52


Pos Name Country Board Sail Neusiedl Tarifa Lanza Total
1 Testa Jacopo Italy RRD RRD 150 75 200 425
2 Esteve Sam France JP Neilpryde 130 85 130 345
3 Caers Yentel Belgium JP 170 0 150 320
4 Albert Antoine New Caledonia Goya Goya 95 55 95 245
5 Marca Riccardo Italy Fanatic North 95 32 80 207
6 Passani Giovanni Italy 53 38 110 201
7 Vrieswijk Amado Bonaire JP Severne 200 0 0 200
8 Bosson Adrien France Fanatic North 95 100 0 195
9 Frans Tonky Bonaire RRD RRD 53 45 95 193
10 Van Broeckhoven Steven Belgium JP Neilpryde 0 0 170 170
11 Scheffers Davy Netherlands 53 65 46 164
12 Jendrusch Rick Netherlands JP Severne 53 50 27 130
13 Lachauer Andy Germany JP Neilpryde 95 0 27 122
14 Cappuzzo Francesco Italy RRD RRD 0 38 60 98
15 Matissek Max Austria Fanatic North 19 32 46 97
16 Spicher Loick Switzerland RRD RRD 19 0 70 89
17 Beholz Adrian Germany Patrik Sailloft 53 0 27 80
18 Lufen Marco Germany Fanatic North 19 0 56 75
19 Plüss Jeremy Switzerland 19 0 46 65
20 Wilson Eilon Israel Patrik 19 20 17 56
21 Yagen Johnny Israel RRD RRD 0 28 27 55
22 Mas Julien France JP 53 0 0 53
Akgazciyan Nico France 53 0 0 53
Ruyssenaars Tim Netherlands 53 0 0 53
25 Levi Eliram Israel 19 15 17 51
26 Hibdige Nic UK 0 0 27 27
Van Ochten Maarten Netherlands JP Neilpryde 0 0 27 27
28 Pinyana Jose Spain 0 25 0 25
29 Mottus Tony Estonia JP Neilpryde 0 20 0 20
Testa Matteo Italy RRD RRD 0 20 0 20
31 Rowe Max UK Fanatic North 19 0 0 19
Brinnich Max Austria 19 0 0 19
Coumans Rik Netherlands 19 0 0 19
Simmerl Paul Austria JP Neilpryde 19 0 0 19
35 Neubauer Lennart Greece Starboard Neilpryde 0 0 11 11
Paternina Deivis Venezuela 0 0 11 11
37 Lesniewski Max Poland Patrik 0 0 8 8
Loizou Christos Cyprus JP Neilpryde 0 0 8 8
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