OFF SEASON – Victor Fernandez in Almerimar

Published on January 30, 2016 by Windsurfing.TV

Victor sent us this nice little edit from sailing at his home spot in Almerimar, shot in January 2016.

Here some words from Victor about it:
“I was on Maui until the end of December and I came back home to Almerimar for the month of January as Bea and I were going to get married on the 9th of January. Just the week before the wedding the wind came very strong for 7 days, where I sailed on 3.4 up to 4.7. From January until April is the best time to get storms in Almerimar. I love sailing at home, it´s always special to windsurf with your friends and family in the spot I grew up.”

More individual clips will come in the next weeks in our OFF SEASON series, showing some of our team riders in their free sailing routine away from the buzz and pressure of competitions.

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